older posts

Monday, 11 June 2012

antler tattoo skin

Hi guys, this is my very first post to my blog, and the first time I've ever shared anything I've created too! Be gentle with me, I'm very nervous. I've always loved the sims 2 and whilst I can't honestly say that I'm a person who has any particular aptitude for sim creating, I would love to share what little "talent" I have. I'm a bit of a perfectionist so I'll try to maintain high quality material despite being somewhat technophobic.

A while ago found a beautiful sim skin that had an antler chest piece but it was for the sims 3 which I don't play. I'm such a fail when it comes to simming that I didn't even know how to convert it to sims 2 or even if it was possible. I searched for weeks trying to find a sims 2 version and when I couldn't, I created my own. The antler image is courtesy of Google Images and the skin was one I had lying around in my game for a while. I'm sorry I don't know who originally created it, but it's beautiful so thank you! I used Gimp 2.6.11 for the image manipulation. The tattoo is for both M&F and will shows up from teens onwards, for all body types. The detail is lost a little in game but there isn't anything I can do about it. I still think it looks fab though. I hope you like it!

[use anything as you wish as long as you keep it free]

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